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Window Protection – Environmentally Friendly Windows

We often don’t realize it, but our windows impact birds.
Alamo Exteriors Bird Windows

Windows can kill birds that are flying at great speeds into windows, because they can’t see they are there. Every year up to 1,000,000,000 birds die from flying into windows!

How To Protect Them?

The following article gives a list of possibilities for improving your home or business property to reduce the chances of these window strikes by birds and protect your windows from being damaged. These range vary  from what type of glass to use to small household tips and tricks.


  • Angled Glass
  • Fritted Glass
  • Etched or Sandblasted Glass
  • UV-reflective Glass

Tips and tricks

  • Tape
  • External shutters like Venetian blinds
  • Window Clings
  • and more tips

If you want to protect our feather friends, let us advise you with which glass to choose that would be perfect for your building.

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